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Cosmetic Injections

Cosmetic injections can turn back the clock! The aging process, lifestyle, and ever-present enemy, gravity, decrease elasticity, cause wrinkles and volume loss.

Your once youthful appearance has now become weathered and reflects the passage of time.

Cosmetic Injections by Laccura can mitigate many of these signs of aging, such as:

  • Dark Circles and Under Eye Bags
  • Double Chin
  • Sagging Jowls
  • Sallow Cheeks

There are scores of other beauty challenges, and not just facial, that cosmetic Injections can treat.

Cosmetic injections - Laccura
Laccura Best Med Spa Highland Park (190)

Plasma Rich Platelets (PRP)



Various methods and products may make up your Cosmetic Injection regimen, depending on the specific areas treated and your desired result.

Like Botulinum toxin type A products work by blocking specific nerve signals allowing the muscles to relax, eliminating wrinkles caused by contraction. These treatments will diminish or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles and firm up sagging skin.

Some typical targets are:

  • The Jawline
  • Neck Lift
  • Forehead Lines
  • Brow Lift
  • Non-Surgical Nose Job
  • Crows Feet and Laugh Lines

Several Botulinum-based products offer various particular features depending on your precise conditions and needs. All of these are FDA-approved, safe, and popular modern cosmetic treatments. They offer the latest in beauty renewal solutions.

Laccura Best Med Spa Highland Park (190)


Botox, Dysport, Xeomin



Dermal Fillers

Juviderm, Restylane, Radiesse, Belotero 

Dermal fillers are are injected under the skin. These gel-based therapies add volume to your skin, minimize wrinkles, and contour the face bringing back that youthful appearance.

Dermal Fillers are regularly used for:

  • Lip Enhancement
  • Relieving Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles
  • Cheek Augmentation
  • Lessening the Appearance of Nasolabial Lines
  • Jaw Line
  • Neck Fillers
  • Chin Filler

As with all our Cosmetic Injection treatments, the dermal fillers we employ are safe, and FDA approved.

Filler Dissolving - Lacurra-Med
Mesotherapy Med Spa

Benefits of Cosmetic Injections

Cosmetic Injections offer a wide array of treatment options. Whether you prefer fillers or neurotoxins, the benefits will be virtually immediate and can last as long as two years.

A radiant complexion and an overall healthy appearance can make a significant difference in how you see yourself and how others may respond to you. Some of the many benefits of these different Cosmetic Injections are:

  • Augmenting Lips, Cheeks, and Other Facial Features
  • Reducing Fat
  • Restoring Hair
  • Facial Contouring
  • Treating Hyperhidrosis (excess sweating)
  • Filling Voids and Eliminating Wrinkles

Sculptra Injections

Activate the skin’s natural regenerative process with Sculptra to help replenish lost facial collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in the body and helps support the skin’s inner structure.

This FDA-approved injectable subtly and gradually helps restore facial volume.

Lacurra Med Spa PRP Treatment
Laccura Best Med Spa Highland Park (257)

Book Your Appointment Today

Whatever your issues or concerns may be, our friendly and highly qualified practitioners and estheticians will guide you to the ideal solution for the best possible results.

Cosmetic Injections are among the most popular and frequently employed cosmetic treatments. Regaining a youthful appearance, reducing wrinkles and saggy skin, and enhancing your innate beauty is well within your reach.

Laccura’s client-focused culture, state-of-the-art techniques, and high-tech equipment, coupled with our certified estheticians and beauty experts, are your best choice for enhancing your beauty with Cosmetic Injections.

Considering the many benefits of Cosmetic Injections, and our commitment to your health and beauty, a consultation to explore these treatments with the experts at Laccura seems in order.

Contact us today and make your life-changing appointment.

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