Weight Loss Injections can help even after successful weight loss, because areas of stubborn fat can still persist, obscuring this positive result. That stubborn and difficult-to-treat areas require more than diet and exercise can provide.
You work hard to look your best. Let us help you achieve that goal with Weight Loss Injections.
- Semaglutide
- Tirzepatide
- Liraglutide
- Lipo-B Injections
- Lipo-C Injections
Effective Weight Loss Injections for Lasting Results
While sessions are typically about 20 minutes, multiple treatments are necessary for complete and optimal results. Clients report seeing results at 3 to 4 weeks. It can take 60 to90 days, as this natural process proceeds, to realize the full benefits of your treatments.
Plus, when treatment is complete, results are permanent, and no further treatment is required.
At Laccura, we pride ourselves on providing the most up-to-date treatments and technologies for our clients’ benefit. Contact us today for a consultation.